30 July 2009

Morning Walk

I have incorporated a morning walk into my routine to help control my blood sugar. I started with an evening walk with Thom and Aaron, but since my post-breakfast blood sugar was often too high, I began walking for about 15 minutes in the morning, too. Over the weekend, Thom went with me, but during the week, I take Aaron out by myself.

Since he is often playing contentedly when I want to go for a walk, I entice him by asking him who he wants to take for a ride in the stroller. This usually gets his interest. The other morning, he decided to take his two monkeys (formerly oo-ahs) along. (Technically, the big one is a gorilla and the smaller one is an orangutan, but when you are 2, they are all monkeys.) But when we got to the stroller, we discovered octopus and moose were in there from the night before. So of course Aaron wanted to take everyone. You can't see, but under the dark-colored gorilla is another monkey. The light blue animal on the right is moose. He managed to hold onto all his friends during the walk, although I think I had to rescue gorilla one time because he was sliding under the safety bar.

Aaron's latest obsession on our walks is reading numbers on people's mailboxes. It started one morning on our way home. He was trying to read the numbers and I didn't realize and as soon as I passed the mailbox, he arched his back and whined and said "go back. turn around." Now we know to pause at each mailbox while he reads off the digits. He typically reads the first 3 somewhat quietly, but the last digit is read out loud with excitement as he realizes he has read the entire number. Sometimes, something like 3134 goes like this: "Three. One. Three. TWO THREES! Four!"

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