05 July 2009

Little Tyrant

Aaron likes to dictate what we can and cannot do. Which we generally ignore. Usually, he'll tell me "No talk" when I'm talking to someone instead of paying more attention to him. Sometimes it's "No sing" if I'm singing (or dancing or otherwise acknowledging music that is playing). Although sometimes he will request that I sing: "Mama sing."

But the other day we had a good laugh when Thom and I did something Aaron apparently didn't like. He was playing in the living room and we were sitting on the steps watching him and we rested our heads against each other. He got agitated and said "No Mama. No Gaga." and we lifted our heads to focus on him to figure out what the problem was. Since he didn't have words for what offended him, he came over to us, pushed my head against Thom's and said "No". As in, "No, don't put your heads together like that."

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