05 July 2009

Real Gaga

In our office, we have a picture frame that holds 4 photos, 2 are of Aaron, and 2 are of Aaron and Thom. He'll point to Thom in the pictures and say "Gaga" (his version of Dada - which he can pronounce, but since he first called Thom Gaga, that sort of stuck). When Thom is in the office, he'll sometimes point to him and say "Gaga. Two Gagas!" As in there are two Dadas, one in the photo, one in the office. So I differentiated the real Thom from the Thom in the photo by saying, "That's your real Dada" since we are still helping him differentiate between real things and pictures of things (or statues of things). So lately he has been calling Thom "Real Gaga" about half the time.

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