01 August 2009

Language and Pronunciation

Considering Aaron didn't say his first word until 15 months and seemed slow to say new words, I just assumed he was still slow for his age. But I met a new neighbor with 3 kids, 2 boys who are older than Aaron, and she was impressed by how much he was talking. So I asked Kim about it and she said he's definitely talking a lot and has more than caught up.

He does communicate quite a bit, despite not using proper grammar. He doesn't use articles at all for example. But his sentences usually have a subject, verb and object.

His pronunciation has also gotten much better. He still has trouble with L's. For example, he says "wibary" instead of library, and flag is unfortunately pronounced without the 'l'. He also has trouble with words that start with a combination of 's' and another consonant. Like spoon. The s seems to get left off, although he can say other words that start with s.

But suddenly "a-a" is now "Aaron" and "fff-fff" is now "seven". He thinks it is fun to rattle off the words as he used to say them and wait for me to ask him what that is, then he proudly pronounces it correctly. It goes like this:

Aaron: a-a
Me: What's a-a?
Aaron: Aaron! bay-bay
Me: What's bay-bay?
Aaron: Bacon! stro-stro
Me: What's stro-stro
Aaron: (silent)

He still can't pronounce stroller correctly, so it's funny that he includes it in the game. This is also when I realized that when he can't pronounce something, he usually just repeats one sound, like the first part of bacon.

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