13 April 2008

Storytime with the neighbors

Yesterday, we had our neighbors over for a potluck dinner. It was so nice out, we had appetizers on the patio. Aaron sat with us and snacked on some chicken sausage (which he seemed to enjoy) and then I got him ready for bed before we served dinner. Once he was in his jammies, I brought out some board books and gave everyone a chance to read him a story before bed. Brad read Your Personal Penguin by Sandra Boynton, one of our favorites.

Vicki read Barnyard Dance also by Sandra Boynton, and a gift from Brad and Vicki last summer. Vicki had a more animated ready style which put a smile on Aaron's face.

Aaron was checking out who was reading the story. (A big difference from the last time Vicki held Aaron on the back patio.)
Dian read Ms. Spider's Tea Party (which was a gift from his nanny Julie).

The back of the book is just as important as the inside.

Hans and Aaron went through Sheep in a Jeep. I say "went through" since Aaron just turned pages with Hans' assistance. Hans didn't need to even read the story to make it entertaining and as fast as Aaron was turning pages, it would have been difficult to follow along!

Renate read the classis Goodnight Moon which, on the nights we read it, we save until the last book.

Aaron seemed at ease with everyone. I think he has skipped the stranger anxiety phase. After stories, he went to bed and we all had dinner and stayed up past 11 playing Trivial Pursuit, the 20th Anniversary edition. I can't remember the last time I was up so late voluntarily.

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