28 April 2008

Nap time

Aaron woke up early this morning. Before 6, sadly for us. Normally he goes down for a nap around 9am. Since he woke up early, however, I put hiim back down for his morning nap around 8am. More than half the time, he will fall asleep within 20 minutes. Usually we have to go and give him a new pacifier once or twice before that happens.

This morning he was taking awhile to settle down. Finally, I went down to my room to get dressed and when I was done, he had quieted down. So I peeked in to see if he was asleep and this is what I found.

After snapping a couple of photos, I respositioned him since I didn't think he'd sleep well in this configuration. Unfortunately, he still only slept about 40 minutes at most and woke up sobbing. He'll go a week or more taking 1 1/2 or 2 hour morning naps, and then he'll have a day like today. I'm guessing the molars he is working on are the culprit. They are so close to breaking through, but aren't quite there. Hopefully he will get some relief soon.

On a positive note, my little boy has learned to sit up on his own! Thom has been working with him. Not exactly the way we learned in PT, but it worked. When Aaron was sitting up, Thom would lay him on his side and then get him to push himself up. At first, he didn't put him all the way down, just sort of leaned him far to his side. But as Aaron got better, Thom would put him further down on his side. And now Aaron can roll around on the floor and then push himself up to a sitting position all on his own.

I'm focused on crawling now. Oddly, I have found that Aaron seems closer to crawling on the hardwood floors. On the carpet, he rolls, but on the hardwood floors, he stays on his belly most of the time. And he likes to play with this wheeled ottoman we have in that room. When he pushes it, it moves away from him, so he has to struggle to go after it. Mostly he just pushes himself backwards, but I think it is only a matter of time before he gets the hang of it.

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