20 June 2009

Anatomy Lesson

Aaron has become quite interested in gender and anatomy already. He is still learning the difference between boys and girls, and sometimes calls himself a girl to see what we say. Most of his playmates are girls, primarily because most of my local mom friends we have play dates with have girls. Although we haven't explicitly explained the anatomical differences beteween boys and girls, we will correct him if he calls a boy a girl or vice versa.

When it comes to anatomy, we have made the decision to refer to body parts by their proper names. So he knows he has a penis. Only he pronounces it "peepis". At times, he will say "Aaron peepis. Dada peepis. Mama peepis." as if cataloging who has penises in our house. So we correct him and say that Mama doesn't have a peepis (yes, that is how we pronounce it now, too).

He is still young enough that he sees me naked sometimes. So this morning, when I was getting dressed and he saw me naked, I pointed out that I didn't have a penis. I then asked him if I did. He quickly pointed to my inverted bellybutton (yes, it already sticks out and I'm not even 6 months pregnant) and said "Peepis!"

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