21 May 2008


I forgot to mention Aaron's stats in the checkup post. He weighed in at 22 lbs 5 oz. He was 29.5 inches long and his head was 48 cm.

Sometimes the doctor goes over the growth chart and his percentiles with us, but she didn't. So I looked up on BabyCenter.com's Growth Percentile Calculator and got these results:

Length = between percentile 10 and 25
Weight = between percentile 25 and 50
Head Circumference = between percentile 75 and 90

That certainly explains why it's so hard to get his shirts over his melon. I was a little surprised by the weight percentile though, since he had started out in the upper percentiles for weight. And we have a friend whose baby boy is 4 months older than Aaron and who slowed down in weight gain around 21 lbs, like Aaron did, so I figured that was normal for kids around 1 year when they become more active. But I guess there are a lot of babies much bigger than Aaron at this age. He seems to get plenty to eat and he's happy, so I guess it is a healthy weight for him.

The weird thing is that he fits into 18 month outfits. Maybe clothing manufacturers don't go by the growth charts.

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