03 May 2008

Sitting up

Aaron has now mastered the art of sitting up. When he is playing, he will fall over onto his belly, roll or attempt to crawl somewhere and then push himself back into a sitting position in a new location.

His new found skill has also made it hard for him to get to sleep at nap time and bedtime. We'll put him down with a pacifier and leave the room and when he doesn't settle down, we'll go back in to find him sitting up. (Whether he is sitting or not, he will often offer us Puppy when we come in to check on him, as if hoping that the gift will prompt us to pick him up and rescue him from his nap.)

One time in the last week, after feeding him at midnight and putting him back down, I had just gotten back to bed when he started crying. (Normally he will just go right back to sleep.) I went down to find him sitting up. I helped him lie back and he went to sleep.
It seems that he is better at sitting up than lying down. I expected this to happen when he learns to pull to a stand since I've read that babies at first don't know how to get back down, but didn't realize we'd have problems when he learned to sit up.

This morning, we put him down for his nap and he sat up. I put him back down, and gave him an extra pacifier (this helps keep him busy while he's getting to sleep). He fussed a bit, but quieted down within 5-10 minutes. When I went in to check on him, this photos shows what I found. He had sat back up and apparently didn't know how to lie down, but fell asleep none-the-less, one pacifier in his mouth, and one nearby.


Anonymous said...

My daughter is struggling with the same issue. When my husband or I attempt to lay her down she will cry, wake up and then sit back up in the bed. Please let me know if you find anything that works.

childEngineer said...

I haven't found anything that keeps him from sitting up, but I think it is a phase that will pass. Aaron is starting to sleep through the night now and then, but usually he wakes up once and when I go to him, he is sitting up. I nurse him and he goes right back down.