25 May 2008

Pool time

Last Saturday, we went down to meet the new baby Bridget of our friends Sandy and Shannon. She was just 2 weeks old - and I got to hold her!! I know Aaron used to be that tiny, but it is already hard to remember. She slept the entire time we were there.

But - and more importantly for Aaron - Shannon had just bought Bridget's big sister Audrey a new wading pool. (Although Audrey has an in-ground pool in her back yard, she's still too little for it.) And thanks to an extra swim diaper in his size, Aaron was able to join Audrey in trying out her new pool.

It was a big hit - at least for Aaron. The water was a little cold (although the day was quite warm, upper 90s I believe) and Audrey seemed hesitant to get in. Or maybe it was just because Aaron was hogging the pool. He loved it! It was like bathtime (especially when Shannon brought out the rubber ducks) combined with the great outdoors. Two of his favorite things. Not to mention a little girl to retrieve the toys he threw out of the pool.

We are in the process of looking for a pool for our backyard. We are hoping to find an inflatable one that is big enough for Thom and I to sit in with Aaron - or for all the Order Fusion babies to sit in at once. Not a huge above ground pool, but just something a little bigger than the average wading pool. Although the last few days have brought some rain and cold enough weather for a fire in the fireplace, we know the record breaking temperatures of the week before will be back this summer and we anticipate a lot of outdoor water play for Aaron.

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