13 May 2007

First Mother's Day

Since our first Mother's Day was less than 4 weeks after Aaron's birth, I didn't know if Thom would have the wherewithal to get me a gift. But since he was surprisingly quiet on the topic in the days leading up to Mother's Day, I started so suspect he had gotten me something. Otherwise, he would have been asking me what I wanted or whether I was expecting anything at all.

I was pleasantly surprised to find a small gift wrapped box waiting for me in the morning. Thom told me it was something every mother should have. After feeding Aaron and getting a cup of coffee, I opened it to find a beautiful string of pearls and matching earrings. Although I wore them today, I know that when Aaron is a little older, I won't be able to wear the necklace when I'm holding him or he's liable to pull it off of me.

Before the end of the day, Thom got a picture of me in the back yard with Aaron next to the mystery tree that is growing like a weed at the edge of the lawn. We have decided that this will be the "measuring tree" where we will take pictures with Aaron periodically so he can look back and see how small the tree was when he was born.

Later this morning, we headed down to my brother and sister-in-law's house. Linnea was kind enough to host a wonderful Mother's Day brunch at their house with the help of my sister Lia. They had a great spread with ham, an incredible fruit salad, deviled eggs, a southwest quiche, a delicious pastry thing with turkey inside, and rhubarb pie.

Everyone took turns holding Aaron which was a nice break for us. He was actually awake for most of the visit. And I finally got a picture of Theresa with him.

Jim and his fiance Barb and her two kids were at Linnea's, too. Jim and Barb are getting married in our back yard this June. Everyone with a camera was trying to get their picture in the kitchen, which greatly troubled my brother. They wanted us to wait until June to take pictures at their wedding. Fortunately, I snapped this picture when they were laughing at us.

My niece Mattea gave me a Mother's Day card that she picked out herself. It was special for my first Mother's Day. She is very sweet and loves her new cousin Aaron. I got this picture of her with her dog Mocha and her soon to be cousins Conner and Elizabeth.

There are many more great pictures from our Mother's Day brunch in my Mother's Day web album. I will be adding some more photos from my dad's and sister's cameras when I get them. Theresa got some great pictures of Lia and Aaron, but I didn't get any with my camera.

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