17 July 2008

Water Play

Although we don't have a kiddie pool yet, it occurred to me that Aaron could still enjoy playing in the water. I got out a little tub and some plastic bowls and boats and Kim has taken Aaron out back to play in the water twice this week.

In case you can't tell how much he enjoys the water from these pictures, there is a short video at the end. He loves to splash.

After Kim brought Aaron in from his most recent time in the water, I asked if he had gotten tired of it or if she has just decided it was time to come in. She said "No, he signed 'all done' and pushed everything away." Those signs sure come in handy. She figures he finally got cold. Even though it's been in the 80s, the water was fresh out of the hose, so it was pretty chilly.

1 comment:

Ernie said...

Signing is wonderful before they can speak.