13 July 2008


I went to the dentist on Friday. When he asked me what was new, I said that my 15 month old had 16 teeth already (the 4 canines he was working on have finally broken through, although they still seem to hurt him). So then my dentist asked me how many more Aaron had left to come in. I said I had no idea. I thought he would know. I figured Aaron had at least 4 more molars, maybe 8.

So my dentist told me that Aaron only has 4 more teeth coming - 20 baby teeth in all. I don't know why I didn't know that. But I can now see the light at the end of the teething tunnel.

Last night, Aaron woke up at 12:30. I nursed him and tried to put him back down, but he started crying, so I picked him up again. He was rubbing at his his upper lip. I offered him my finger to bite, but he didn't want that, or his pacifier. So I carried him out into the kitchen, where I sat down and offered him some Joe's O's in the dark. A few weeks back, some Bunny Love cereal in the middle of the night seemed to relieve his teething. After I gave him one, he'd rest his head against my chest and crunch on his cereal. Then he would sit up and I'd give him another. After about 8 or 10, he just sat with his head on my chest and then I was able to put him back to bed.

Cereal in the dark. Works better - and faster - than Tylenol.


Theresa said...

Bunny O's and Joe's Love are even better.

Ernie said...

Don't go with the doctors. Go with what works.