13 July 2008

Finger Paints - Take I

My new sitter Kim has inspired me to try some new things with Aaron. So I found a recipe for homemade finger paints online involving edible ingredients (not that I want Aaron to eat it, but just in case.) Kim made up a batch on Thursday when she was here, but it was still to hot to play with before Aaron's nap, so I had the pleasure of trying it out with him on Friday.

Aaron likes to take his sippy cup of milk, turn it upside down and bang it on the tray table of his high chair. He shrieks when he sees the milk pattern on the tray and if left to his own devices, he will continue to bang the cup to get milk out and will then rub his hands in it. So I figured he would really enjoy finger paints.

I have to say our first attempt with finger paints was not huge success. In total, it provided about 10 minutes of entertainment before Aaron decided he wanted to crawl around on the back patio.

And during those 10 minutes, he was more interested in playing with the lids of the paint, putting them on the paint jars and taking them off.
He did periodically dip his fingers into the paints. And I would put his hand to the paper, but he didn't seem to care about smearing it on the paper.
Putting some on his chest was much more interesting.
He wasn't quite sure what to make of the paint on his hands. By the way, all the marks you see on the paper were either from me, or from me forcing his hand to the paper. Maybe some day he will get the hang of it.

P.S. There was no indication how long the paints would last, but I hoped they would go a week in an air tight container. Maybe if I had put them in the fridge. They were moldy today.

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