23 March 2008


It surprises me sometimes how many words Aaron understands now. Just this morning, I realized he knows "milk". I had started using the word milk sometimes when I breastfeed him. "We're going to have some milk now." or "Do you want some milk?" But I hadn't realized he understood until this morning. I hadn't nursed him since he'd been up and I figured he was hungry. He was sitting among his toys on the floor playing and usually when I sit down with him and he's hungry, he'll reach for me. But this time, he didn't. He continued to play with his coffee can. But when I said "Aaron, do you want some milk?", he immediately stopped what he was doing, looked at me and reached for me.

Another phrase I recently discovered that he understands is "All done". Sometimes when I'm nursing him, he starts playing with my hair, or wants to sit up and try to reach something to play with. I guess it is hard to just eat when there is so much in the world to explore. But if I ask him "Aaron, are you all done?", if he's not all done, he immediately goes back to nursing.

Other words he knows include: light, fan, clap, wave, Puppy (for his stuffed puppy, not in a general sense), and Bear (for his stuffed bear). I'm sure he knows more, but those are ones we can confirm. He will also wave if you ask him to say goodbye to someone.

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