21 March 2008


I can't wait until I have photos of this to share! This week, Aaron started playing peek-a-boo on his own. Up until now, we've covered his face with a cloth, hid behind a box, or covered our own faces when playing peek-a-boo with him.

But Monday night, I had the pleasure of getting out of the house on my own for a free yoga class, and while I was gone, Thom had the pleasure of changing Aaron's diaper. When I got home, Thom told me "Aaron played peek-a-boo with me."

I said, "Yeah, he does that."

"How does he play with you?"

"I cover his eyes..."

And Thom tells me "He covered his own eyes."

The next morning on the changing table I witnessed it for myself. Aaron puts his hands over his eyes, palms facing outward. It looks a lot like when he is sleeping and rubbing his eyes, but his hands aren't moving. We ask him "Where's Aaron?" and he removes his hands and smiles. Well, sometimes he removes his hands and looks confused. I'm not sure what that is all about.

I don't know where he learned this trick (I even called my niece to see if she had taught him last week, but she hadn't). He likes it so much, that once he starts playing, he repeats it over and over. In fact, when he was first playing his new version of peek-a-boo with Thom, he couldn't stop. Thom could see his lower lip starting to protrude, a precursor to crying, even as Aaron continued to play peek-a-boo. And sure enough, he did start crying. He was tired and somehow didn't know how to stop playing peek-a-boo. I suppose it is like when kids learn to stand and they pull themselves up in their cribs, but they don't know how to sit back down, so they stand there and cry until you come help them.

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