28 August 2009

Big Boy Bed Follow-up

Aaron slept just over 2.5 hours yesterday in his big boy bed. When he woke up, he made some noises and I went in before he could think about getting up on his own. He sat up and scooted toward the top corner of the bed where he can get out, and said "Done". But he stopped short of sliding down on his own and wanted my help. He has since perfected the art of getting out of the bed on his own either sliding down on his butt using the bed post and the guard rail for help, or by sliding down on his stomach like he does from the other beds. (He's had a lot of practice because he keeps wanting to get into his big boy bed even when it's not time to go to sleep.)

Last night, when we put him down, we had the bedroom light on, which we never did when we put him in the crib. When Thom went to put him in bed, he said "No Papa do it." Meaning he didn't want Papa to put him in bed. And he kept fussing after Thom put him down. I asked if he wanted the light out and he whined "Yes." I was getting nervous that things were going to go badly, but after we turned out the light and put on his music, he settled down pretty quickly and went to sleep without incident.

This morning he woke up around 6:30am. He'd been mostly sleeping in until 7-7:30am, but he did wake up around 6:30 a few days ago. Only then he woke up crying. This time, he woke up chattering like he usually does. And we were able to leave him in there for 20 minutes or so while we checked e-mail and the news online. When Thom went in to get him, he got down off the bed by himself. I wonder how long it will be before he decides to just get up on his own without waiting for us. Hopefully it's such a habit by now, he'll continue to wait for us. A new neighbor friend of mine has a 3 1/2 year old son who sleeps in a toddler bed and she says he still waits in bed for her to get him. He doesn't fuss or anything, but she'll look in on him and he'll be awake, just waiting for her. I hope Aaron is like that.

And once again he is down for his nap without incident. Other than lying sideways on the bed and kicking the wall with his feet. But that seemed to lull him to sleep. I was worried because right before his nap he acted like I gave him pure sugar for lunch. But I think he was just tired. He hardly objected when I said it was nap time.

I want to pinch myself. I thought this would be such a hard transition and so far it is going remarkably well. We are truly fortunate to have such a wonderful boy.

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