13 August 2009

Very nice!

In the following video, Aaron leads Grandpa around the house pointing out his "very nice" things. He had done this recently with his cousin Alex who is home from college for the summer. He doesn't say it as much here as he did with Alex or as emphatically, but it gives you a good idea. Alex said he says "very nice" much like Borat, although I haven't seen Borat to verify.

We first noticed him saying "very nice" last month with our friends Aaryn and Dustin were here. They arrived on a Saturday and as soon as they came in, Aaron took Dustin around to show him his toys. The next morning, he did it again, but he was saying "very nice". We suspect that as he showed Dustin his toys, Dustin responded "very nice!" and Aaron now repeats this.

Just to clarify a few things in the video:

In his play kitchen, Aaron was trying to show Grandpa how he had figured out how to push the cutting board out from inside the sink hole (the sink is just a metal bowl that he often removes). He doesn't have words for the concept, so he just gestures and makes noises.

As he walks around the living room trying to decide what to impress Grandpa with, he suddenly says "dollhouse", which is in his bedroom. It is often one of the first things he likes to show people who come over. But Grandpa doesn't realize what he said and sits down to play with the train. Which Aaron points out is very nice.

Shortly after this video was filmed, after Aaron repeatedly tried to help Grandpa by handing him his coffee, Aaron caught Grandpa by surprise and not only went to hand him the coffee, but tilted it so he could take a drink. I only realized this when they came into the kitchen and Aaron pointed to the paper towels and said "right there" and I saw Dad had coffee on the front of his shirt. Dad had asked Aaron for a napkin. I was actually surprised that Aaron knew where they were.

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