25 April 2009

Vocabulary Follow up

Up until his 2nd birthday, I continued to update Aaron's vocabulary list in my previous post. At final count, it was over 175, but I kept thinking of words he knew when I wasn't at my computer, so I think it is safe to say his vocabulary was 200+ words by his birthday.

He continues to string words together, sometimes obviously thinking about what order the words go in. He still doesn't use articles like "the" or "and" and confuses the pronouns "you" and "me". More and more often I hear him spontaneously repeat a word or phrase he overhears. But the one achievement I'm most proud of is when I hear him say "thank you" unprompted, as he did yesterday when my friend's daughter Allison shared some crackers with him, or last week when our neighbor gave him fresh strawberries from her garden. (Granted, in both cases I prompted him the first time, but when they shared additional food with him, he said thank you without being reminded.) The downside is that unless you hear me prompt him to say it, you might not understand what he says. His pronunciation is still a little off.

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