25 April 2009

Valet parking

Aaron has a wide assortment of cars and trucks, especially since his birthday. He will spend stretches of time parking and reparking them, lining them up on the dining room floor. He will then lie on the floor on his stomach next to the cars and truck and say "hug".

The truck he has in his hand is a "revver" which lets him push it forward and keep going, unlike traditional toy cars that require the hard-to-learn maneuver of pulling back and letting go. Lately his interest in this truck has taken off and he will push it around for 15 minutes or more. He likes to run it into things and see how it bounces off or upends, or what happens when he pushes it off the stairs into the living room. It's like a physics lesson. He also likes to push it under the couches in the living room where he has to wait until Dada can get it. (I'm hoping if this happens often enough while Dada is at work, he will learn not to do it. In reality, I could probably get it for him with a stick of some sort, but I'm trying to discourage the behavior.)

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