16 September 2007


We started putting Aaron in his Rain Forest Jumperoo a couple of weeks ago now that he can hold his head up pretty good. He loves it and can entertain himself for 20-30 minutes at a time, letting us finish breakfast or prepare dinner. It has a lot of activities for him to play with. He especially likes the yellow monkey. Although the jumper has lights and music, we mostly leave it off since he has enough fun without the extra stimulation.

I took a video of him jumping in his Jumperoo, but I accidentally had the camera turned sideways to better frame the shot and I don't know how to use my video editing software to turn the video 90 degrees. (I know, it's sad when a software developer can't figure out how to use new software.) If I ever figure it out, I'll post the video.

The Jumperoo has three height settings. We have it on the lowest one and even then, we had to initially put a folded up blanket under his feet so that more than just the tips of his toes touched down. But we noticed within two weeks that his feet were nearly flat on the blanket, so we removed it. The Jumperoo is great for seeing how much he is growing in height.

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