24 January 2010

Sounds like a plan

Yesterday Aaron sat down at the kitchen table and wanted some milk. There were books of the table that he wanted me to read. While he drank milk. He also wanted a bib but there wasn't one of the table. I told him to get a bib from his room. He extended his arm towards his room and whined "No can reach it!" This is a common tactic for when he doesn't want to do something. I told him he had to get down from the table to go get it. He said "Mama do it!"

I refused and he continued to whine and talked about wanting milk and stories. Finally I said "Aaron, look at me." Which he reluctantly did. I said "Why don't you get down from the table, go to your room and get a bib, come back and I will get you some milk and read you a story." He immediately said "Yeah", started to get down from the table, and added "Sounds like a plan."


eldertrag said...

Do one of you use that phrase at home?
I am amazed that a two year old could apply the logic to the situation and select that phrase to express his thinking.


childEngineer said...

I'm not sure if we use it or if Kim uses it. I was surprised he used it so appropriately though.

Today, before I told Kim about that incident, she told me they were outside and she was telling him about something she was going to do and he said "Sounds like a plan."