22 January 2010

Post Christmas gifts

Technically the wagon is from Christmas, we just didn't get it assembled until this month. But the guitar is a gift from Thom. He and Aaron have been playing with Thom's acoustic guitar for at least a year, so Thom decided to get Aaron a child sized guitar. He loves it, although it didn't take long for him to get it out of tune turning the knobs. Now they can play their guitars together. So far Thom is just teaching Aaron how to hold the guitar and how to strum the strings with his thumb. And we are teaching him to be careful with it and not to bang it on the floor. Actual songs will come later. But when there is music on that Aaron likes, he will get out his guitar and "play" along.

I also got him a small djambe drum since he likes Thom's so well. He also plays that along with his favorite songs. I ordered the drum when I ordered the hutch conversion kit for his play kitchen. He loves his kitchen so much and uses it every day, it made sense to invest in the hutch to store his growing collection of empty bottles and spice containers that go with the kitchen now. He loves having the extra shelf space to put things on. Anyway, the hutch wasn't enough to qualify for free shipping, so I got the drum, too. Aaron loves music, so I hope exposing him to instruments at a young age will help get him interested in music lessons later. I'd like him to play at least one instrument.

We didn't really intend to get him so many new toys around Christmas. I like to get new things for him throughout the year to keep him challenged developmentally. But I think shopping for the holidays sort of became a habit and we just couldn't stop. My next plan is to clean out a cabinet for a craft cabinet for Aaron. He has already done his first glueing (to be a future post) and I think he is finally at the age where he can start doing little crafts. I want to get a few staples such as pipe cleaners and tempera paint, but then hopefully most of the crafts at this stage will involve items from around the house and yard. Nature collages, repurposing cans and boxes, making macaroni necklaces, etc.

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