18 November 2008

More walking videos

These videos were taken later the same day as the ones of Aaron in his PJs. Kim was taking video of him with her phone to show her family and I decided to take some more of him since he was practicing over and over and starting to act silly. In the two weeks since these videos were taken, he has improved tremendously.

In this first one, he started clapping for himself, which caused him to fall down. Within a week, he could walk and clap at the same time.

This next video shows how when he fell down, he would crawl back to his starting place next to the piano by the wall. Within a week, he started getting up onto his feet in the middle of the room - just once or twice. Mostly he would still return to his spot at the wall to get started. But last Friday, he practiced over and over again and now he can get onto his feet from the middle of the floor with just a little effort. You can also see in this next video how silly he was being. He couldn't decide where to walk and thought it was funny to change direction until he fell down.

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