24 August 2008

A day at the beach

We took Aaron to the beach for his first real beach day. I say "real" because he has been to the beach before, but he was too young to remember and he didn't get to play in the sand. But I know he likes playing in the sand and I know he likes water, so it was no surprise that the beach was a hit.

At first, he wasn't sure what to make of it. There was a lot to take in. Although the sun peeked out for about 2 minutes, it was mostly overcast and in the mid-70s. And the water was pretty cold. Despite that, there were plenty of families out, dotting the shore with blankets, towels, umbrellas, tents, and people. Plus there were birds and kites in the air. Aaron didn't know what to look at first. But he wasted no time getting his hands in the sand.

After playing in the dry sand near our towel for a few minutes, we took him out to check out the water. It was cold, but your feet get used to it pretty fast.

At first we tried to keep him on his feet in the water, but later, he pooped out and just wanted to sit. So we moved to a spot further back where Thom dug a semi-circular moat around Aaron that the ocean occasionally filled with water.
Since it was overcast and windy, it was a little chilly, so we didn't stay too long. It seems like we spent more time making sure we had everything we needed to go, applying sunscreen, and then rinsing sand off under the beach showers afterwards, than we spent actually on the beach. But it was fun. We definitely need a sand box.

We took a short video:

And a bunch of pictures:

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