17 July 2008


On Sunday, Aaron and I got to go swimming in my friend Heidi's pool, with her 3 daughters. I bought Aaron a floaty-thing at the store on Saturday and was eager to try it out. This picture was taken right after I first put him in. He was still checking things out. But it didn't take long for him to get used to the new experience and start splashing the water.

We had a great time. I haven't been in a pool since before Aaron was born - since before I was pregnant I think. The water was great and we just moved around the pool and watched Heidi's girls play.

Brianna, the oldest daughter, who is 6, had a snorkel and mask on and at first Aaron was unsure about her. She had been entertaining him in the house before we went out, but he didn't recognize her with the mask on and was near tears. Heidi had Brianna take the mask and snorkel off to show Aaron who she was and after that he seemed OK. He was obsessed with watching her, though. And he was very serious about it. He didn't crack a smile for a long time. She kept swimming up and tickling his feet.

Towards the end of our swim, when he was watching Brianna swim around, I asked if he could say "Brianna", wondering if he would at least make a "ba" sound in imitation. Instead, I noticed him doing his sign for banana. Close enough, I guess.

Aaron definitely likes the water. We have an open invitation to go back and I'm sure we'll take Heidi up on it.

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