13 July 2008

New Car Seat

Thom had the foresight to get Aaron the Graco Infant SafeSeat car seat, which unlike their SnugRide car seat, is good for infants up to 30 lbs and 32". The SnugRide, and many other infant car seats are only good up until about 20 lbs, which Aaron reached before his 1st birthday. Which would then mean buying a car seat that can face backwards or forwards. But since our infant seat was good until 30 lbs, we were able to keep Aaron in the rear facing infant seat beyond 1 year (which is the safest way for him to ride).

But he was getting too long for the infant seat and we finally bought a new car seat. We got the Graco Nautilus, which should last us until Aaron is out of car seats and booster seats altogether. It starts out as a toddler car seat, with 5 point harness. Then it can be used without the harness when he gets bigger, and finally, it can be used without the back part, as just a booster seat. Until 100 lbs (in case you can't read the large print on the base). By then, I hope he no longer needs a booster seat.

The car seat arrived several weeks ago, but with Thom's bad back and various other activities filling up our weekends, we didn't get the new car seat installed until today while Aaron was (reluctantly) taking his morning nap).
I couldn't wait to take him out in his new car seat. We went to Target after his nap. Aaron pretty much had this look on his face the whole way there. I think he must have been in shock. Things looked so different. At red lights, instead of fussing as he used to do, he seemed mesmerized by the traffic going by.
His book and his rattle are his two standbys in the car. He flips through the pages and if he gets bored with that, he'll shake his rattle. Or if I want to keep him awake on a car ride home, I'll ask him to shake his rattle, which helps me confirm that he is still awake.
His new seat has a cup holder, which has become his rattle holder. Previously he had to wedge it in the car seat with him under his leg.

He didn't smile the whole way. He just stared wide-eyed. I think he likes it. It was just a lot for a little boy to take in.

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