13 December 2010

15 Months

Audrey turned 15 months on Friday.  We haven't had her 15 month checkup so I don't have her stats yet, but I wanted to jot down a few of her accomplishments at 15 months before I forget. 

Aaron's first word - Mama - was on his 15 month birthday so it is interesting to see how many words Audrey has at 15 months.  Her first word was "Hi" and her most recent word that I can recall is "mouth".  Here is list of words I have heard her use correctly more than a few times.  She often will repeat a word after I say it but won't say it again and I haven't included those here.

bye-bye (usually said after the person has walked away)
mama (generally repeated multiple times in increasing intensity)
papa (usually whispered as if in awe)
more (accompanied by the sign for more for added emphasis)
uppa (for up - we taught her Aaron's original version of this word)
hop-hop (for the motion as well as bunny crackers)
Babu (Aaron's early nickname for Larissa which we taught Audrey)
boop (what you say when you touch someone's nose)
beep (what you say when you pinch your nose between your thumb and forefinger)

I think she has a few other unintelligible words including something that is supposed to be 'brother'.  The phrase "I nee" is repeated loudly and with great emphasis to indicate she wants something to which she is pointing.  She also calls the wagon "oggy" although I have no idea why.  It's usually when she sees it and she'll yell "Oggy!  Oggy!  Oggy!" because she wants to push it around.  And although not technically a word, if you ask her what a sheep says, she'll say "Baa".  Cows say "mmmm".  And lions, tigers (including Tigger), and bears elicit a growl.  Oddly, 'no' is not a part of her vocabulary yet, although she has started to shake her head when I offer her something to eat that she doesn't want.

Oh, that's another thing.  Some time between 14 and 15 months, Audrey started to walk.  It was a gradual process and unlike when Aaron learned to walk, it is hard to pinpoint when she truly started to walk.  At first Madeleine and Larissa said she had taken a few steps on their watch.  But it was another week before I saw it.  At that point I didn't consider it walking.  But now she can take a couple of dozen steps without falling.  And when she does fall, she can push herself back up to a stand without using any objects.  She seems to walk best when she has something in each hand.

Whereas Aaron seemed content to wait and watch and try things when he could master them (like walking and talking), Audrey wants to do everything now.  Aaron would go from not doing something to doing it well in a short amount of time (like potty training which he did VERY late, but mastered within a week).  When Aaron learned a word, you understood it when he started using it.  With Audrey, she says words for awhile before I catch on because they are often garbled.  She tries to climb on anything she can and especially enjoys trying to climb into Aaron's bed.   She can't, but she won't stop trying.

Audrey is also into clothes.  When she finds her shoes (or someone else's) she wants us to put them on her.  She'll take clothes (or ribbon) and drape them on her like she is trying to put them on.  She LOVES Aaron's underwear.  When she is helping me with the laundry by handing me the clean clothes from the laundry basket, she doesn't pass on Aaron's underwear without trying to put it on her head.  And if I tell her it doesn't go on her head, she puts her arm through the leg hole and smiles at me proudly.

Overall, at 15 months, Audrey is a happy girl who adores her big brother.  She is very inquisitive, easily frustrated (when she doesn't get her way), but generally good natured.

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