27 October 2010

Joking 101

Aaron learned his first joke at preschool last week.

How do you fix a broken pumpkin?
With a pumpkin patch!

The teacher, Elenah, didn't expect the kids to get it since they are still young, but Kim thinks Aaron did get it.  They made up jokes during bath time that day that went like this:

How do you fix a broken house?
With a house patch!

A few days later, he and his Papa made up a joke while getting ready for bed:

What do you call an antelope who can't do anything?
A cantelope!

This morning, I told him the following joke, which plays to his love of numbers:

Why was 6 afraid of 7?
Because 7 8 9.

I explained how 8 can mean ate.  He laughed, and then made up the following two jokes:

Whey was 16 afraid of 17?
Because 17 18 19.

Why was negative 6 afraid of negative 7?
Because negative 7 negative 8 negative 9!

I thought those were almost funnier than the original. 

Do you know a joke I can share with Aaron?  Post it here!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What are you if your feet smell and your nose runs? Upside down.