24 February 2008

Sick and Tired

I had hoped to post some new pictures this weekend, but unfortunately we are all sick. I started coming down with a cold Friday morning when I woke up with a sore throat. Thom was supposed to get back from NY that evening, not long after Julie went home, so I knew I would have help with Aaron. But Thom's return flight was delayed nearly 3 hours out of NY and somehow although his plane was supposed to continue on to CA after a layover, they changed plans once it was so late and he finally got on another flight 6 hours later.

Home only 6 hours, Thom came down with the stomach flu. That was on top of being up for about 24 hours before he got home, so he was exhausted, jet-lagged and sick. Since I am just sick, I went out for supplies yesterday - soup, bread, baby food, thinking one of us would be well enough today to do the regular shopping. Unfortunately we are all still sick (Aaron has a bit of a cough and has been more tired than usual, so I think he probably has my cold). Poor Aaron - when he is awake, we don't have the energy to do much with him. He likes it when I sing to him, but with a sore throat, I don't feel much like even talking to him.

I can't wait until Julie comes back tomorrow. I tried calling my niece to see if she could help out today, but she said she has the flu. We've been lucky that we haven't been sick yet this season. It's just unfortunate that both Thom and I are sick at the same time.

Both my boys are sleeping now. I'm off to make some tea and rest before the little one wakes up. I've been napping when he naps, but I'm a little less tired now and want to take advantage of some down time to read my book club book.

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