17 February 2008

10 months today!

So we had Aaron's follow up visit with his pediatrician on Thursday and since he still isn't crawling, she wants to have a PT (physical therapy) exam done. She said they can test his muscle tone in ways she can't and can give us exercises to do with him if needed. She went to great lengths to explain it was very precautionary and she wasn't really worried. She said he is probably just on the outside of the range for crawling.

We aren't really worried. Even before she said all that. We can see that he is progressing steadily, if a bit slowly is some areas. And in fact, in the last couple of days, we've seen him start to propel himself forward a bit on his tummy, pushing with his toes and sometimes rolling to his side and then reaching forward as he turns back to his tummy. It's enough to get to toys just out of reach and I'm sure he will be crawling in no time.

While we were there, I asked his doctor whether we can give Aaron yogurt. She had said no dairy (or chocolate, strawberries, seafood, egg whites or soy) until 12 months. But I know some moms who give their kids yogurt before cows milk (which everyone seems to wait until 12 months for). She said she gave her kids yogurt starting at 9 months. Then she told us about a study she read about recently on kids in Israel where they get peanuts (presumably not in whole format) starting as newborns and Israel has one of the lowest rates of peanut allergies. So she doesn't really know what causes food allergies - maybe postponing introducing foods doesn't really help.

So for lunch on Thursday, instead of fruit, I gave Aaron his first taste of yogurt. It was apricot mango Greek style yogurt from Trader Joes which we had in the fridge. I only gave him a small amount, and the first bite produced a face that made me think it wasn't going to go over well. But he ate the rest of what I offered him with no complaints. That's my boy for you. He eats almost anything, no matter what kind of face he gives you on the first bite.

At the store today, I bought some of the Yo Baby yogurt since it is organic and had a shorter ingredient list than the Greek style yogurt that we eat. I suspect it will also be a little less bitter.


Anonymous said...

My guess is he isn't crawling because of your floors. Hardwood floors are not inviting for little knees - no matter how chubby/well padded we think they are! If you can have him spend a larger amount of time on some well padded carpeting, my guess is he'll take off pretty quickly. In my experience, Dr's often jump the gun on these issues with O/T. Jessica

childEngineer said...

I agree, Jessica. We actually rarely have him on the hardwood floors. He spends most of his time lately in the dining room, which is well padded. We moved the dining room table aside to give him more room, and he's getting really close to crawling. He can inch forward to reach toys, and I think he'll be crawling within a month.