27 October 2012

Lila Update

Lila turned 5 months old this month.  For awhile, she had been only waking me up once per night and I was getting plenty of rest.  But about a month ago, she started to wake up at least twice and the first time was often within 2 hours of when I went to bed.  Sometimes she wakes up just as I am falling sleep which is the worst.  I'm pretty sure it is because she is teething.  Then she went from taking a morning nap and a long afternoon nap to taking 3 naps because she'd wake up too early from her afternoon nap to make it to bedtime.  It's a little frustrating, but Tylenol seemed to help 2 nights ago and last night she did better, waking up once before Thom went to bed so he got her back to sleep while I slept and she only woke me once and even slept in a little this morning.  Hopefully the teething calms down and she returns to being the champion sleeper she was.

She has also started rolling over with ease.  When she goes on her mat on the floor, she flips over a lot and looks like she wants to crawl.  I had to lower her crib mattress and I considered switching her from a swaddle to a sleep sack, but that did not go well.  She wouldn't stay asleep.  Plus, I found her after nap one day swaddled but on her stomach and she didn't seem in any distress or in danger of suffocating, so we'll keep swaddling for now. 

Lila is still generally a happy baby.  She fusses when she is tired, but even then, if you hold her or take her outside, she'll quiet down.  She loves her brother and sister and they love her.  Aaron loves to make her laugh.  Audrey wants to touch her and kiss her all the time.  Too much, actually.

Below is a video from about 3 weeks ago of Aaron stacking blocks and calling them baskets.  Lila was cracking up.

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