19 January 2010

4+ months

This is Audrey loaded up in the carseat for her 4 month checkup on Friday. She weighed in at 12 lbs 1 oz and was 24" long. I thought she'd weigh more since about 10 days before this, I took her to the doctor for a cold she'd had for almost 2 weeks and she had weighed 12 lbs even. Anyway, she seems to be doing fine.
The pediatrician went over what foods we can introduce and when. I guess we can start her on rice cereal, or oatmeal or barley (just single grains, though) anytime between now and 6 months. Just 2 1/2 years ago when Aaron was at this age we were supposed to breast feed exclusively until 6 months. The recommendations have already changed. And we can introduce wheat and meat sooner, I believe. I have to look at the sheet she gave us in more detail. I don't think Audrey's quite ready for solids yet - I'll wait until she can at least sit upright in a high chair. Which we will need to coax away from Aaron.

Audrey was sleeping through the night for awhile. She nurses sometime between 9:30 and 10:30pm and I put her down in her crib. She stirs around 1-3am, but I can get her back to sleep by patting her, without taking her out of the crib. Then for awhile she was going until 5:30am, 6:30, sometimes 8am. I'd get up with Aaron and Thom and enjoy my coffee first and I'd keep checking on her. But then 3 nights ago, she woke at 4:40, and the last 2 nights it has been 3:40am. She fusses a lot before that and I try to get her back to sleep but she just keeps getting louder until I feed her. I wonder if she could be teething. She has acted like it for awhile now, always chewing on her fingers and drooling a lot. And I think Aaron's first tooth showed up around 4 1/2 months. And I remember teething always disrupted his sleep.

She's mostly outgrown her colic. It got better right around the end of the first 3 months. But she still tends to be fussier in the evenings.

She LOVES her big brother. If Aaron so much as glances in her direction, her face lights up. She watches him and today when I was holding her on my lap, she laughed at her brother when he was being silly. He of course is oblivious, although we are trying to get him to interact with her more. He has asked to hug her a couple of times, but other times when we ask if he wants to hug her, he says she is too little. She is too little for a lot of things.

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