05 April 2008

Long week

With our new babysitter home on spring break this week, I had Aaron to myself for the entire week. I can't remember the last time that was the case. Julie took off around Christmas time, but Thom was home from work, so I had his help. I know a lot of moms spend every week with their kids, so it is not like I did anything exceptional, but it sure felt like a long week. I'm really glad I don't work full-time away from Aaron, but I also know I'm not cut out to be a stay-at-home mom. As much as I love playing with him and watching him learn and grow, I have to admit I long for his naps so I can do some work.

I've had very little time to work this week, which has been frustrating because I am very close to finishing up a product I am about to release. But it is hard to get any work done when I can only work when he is asleep. Although I don't usually work when he is awake, I did break that rule this week and brought my laptop out into the dining room while he was playing. He is very self-entertaining so he can play by himself for long stretches with just a little interaction from me. I really don't like to do that, but I feel like I do spend a lot of time focused on him when he is awake and I'm probably not causing long term damage by working while he plays for an hour or so a day the one week I don't have a nanny for him.

I'm also still looking for another sitter for Aaron. I'm meeting someone tomorrow and another candidate on Monday. Both sound good, but it's always hard to judge just from the phone interview.

I was going to e-mail Julie this week to see if she missed Aaron as much as we miss her, but before I had a chance, she e-mailed me! She misses Aaron and wants to come play with him for an hour when she has a chance. So it looks like she'll come by one day within the next week. I think Aaron will like that. I'm sure he felt her absence this week, but has no way to communicate it.

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