02 August 2011


Kim takes Aaron to storytime at our local Barnes & Noble and one day they picked up a form for their summer reading program.  Kids read 8 books, record them on the form and then they get a free book (one of about 18 pre-selected children's books).  They had picked up the form last month and then we'd forgotten about it and lost the form. But last weekend, Aaron suddenly remembered and when they went last week, they picked up another form. 

That was Thursday.  On Friday, Aaron was so excited, he read 2 books to me before we did preschool at 10am. I wrote them on the form for him.  He was so excited.  He carried his entry form around all morning, showing it to the kids and moms who came over for preschool.  He carried it outside when we went to look at trees (our preschool theme).  The form was getting pretty wrinkled. 

After nap time, he read a few more.  He did a great job of picking out books that he could read almost all on his own.  Mostly board books, but not all.  Sometimes he needed help with words.  He wanted to keep reading but we had to go to the grocery story.  We actually had to fight with him over it.  When we left for the store, he had 3 books to go.  He read 2 more to me after we got back while I prepared dinner.  Then he read the last one at storytime before bed.

There was another storytime at B&N on Saturday so I decided to take him to reward him for doing such a great job reading all 8 books in one day.  But first I made a photcopy of the filled in book journal because he seemed so proud of it and I knew we'd have to hand it in.  The woman at B&N who does storytime on Saturday was the same one who does it on Thursdays so she knows Aaron well.  (We'd also been the previous Saturday.)  He was excited to show her the list and then she showed him the display of books from which he could choose. 

He picked one called Mercy Watson Thinks Like a Pig.  (Mercy actually is a pig).  The story is just OK in my opinion, but Aaron loves that book.  It's his free book that he got for reading 8 books.  It has 15 chapters (about 3 pages each with pictures).  He's so excited that it has chapters and that it has 15 of them.  If you forget to say the chapter and number when you are reading, he'll remind you.  He has been carrying his book around.  Yesterday we even took it to the library to show our friends we were meeting there.

This is the most excited Aaron has been about reading books.  We have 3 different library systems near us and they all have summer reading programs.  Even though they only award small prizes and not books, I thought about signing him up.  But sadly one just ended and the others end very early August so I don't think we'll get signed up in time.  As a lover of books and avid reader, I couldn't be more proud of him.  I hope he continues to love reading. 

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