25 April 2007

Week 1 in Review

After spending 3 nights in the hospital, they sent us home with baby Aaron, as if we would know what to do with him once we got home. Some days have been harder than others, but overall, things are getting a little easier each day as we learn his eating and sleeping patterns. For the most part, our new boss tolerates us pretty well, but is quick to let us know when we have kept him waiting too long for a feeding or when we are taking too long to change his frequently dirty diapers.

In the first few days, we wrapped him up like a burrito which seemed to calm him down. After about day 5, he no longer tolerated having his arms pinned down and could work them out of his swaddling pretty quickly.

On Sunday, my brother Jim and his fiance Barbara came to visit Aaron with their combined 4 kids. Larissa, our future babysitter, held him while his other cousins looked on.

Aaron frequently falls asleep during feedings. With a little luck and much prodding, we can usually get him to wake up to finish his meal, but sometimes it's more fun to just watch him sleep.

On his one week birthday, Aaron went to his new pediarician's office for a checkup. He didn't have jaundice and he had gained 4 oz since leaving the hospital, putting him at 8 lbs and 5 oz. He shouldn't have any trouble getting back to his birth weight by next week, which is the goal.
His trip to the pediatrician's office was in his brand new car seat. My sister had given us an infant car seat, but it didn't fit well in the car and after the ride home from the hospital, we decided to get one that fits better. Plus the newer models have a 5 point harness verses the standard 3 point harness from several years ago. So far he seems to like his carseat and doesn't mind riding in the car.

Besides sleeping and eating, Aaron also enjoys being held by Daddy. The porch swing on a warm afternoon is a good place to sleep in Daddy's arms.

Things we learned during our first week as parents:

  • Don't feed the baby every time he cries. Sometimes he just needs to burp.
  • Green colored baby stools are not a cause for alarm.
  • Huggies newborn diapers seem to leak more than other brands.
  • Don't put Huggies diapers on the baby before going to the pediatrician's office.


Anonymous said...

what a cute little burrito!

glad to hear you're settling easily into the parenting thing. and thanks for posting all those pictures! keep 'em coming ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey Lizzzard,

I can still call you Lizzzard, right? Your son is cute. And it is nice to see Mommy and Dad doing fine. My son, a bit older than Arron, says, "If Kirkland doesn't make it, you don't need it.." Meaning Costco has a very good diaper. I will talk to you soon. Good Bless, Love Mona

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! He is adorable. You will have so much fun raising your little man.
Since you are welcoming advice, "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" is a good reference book.

Brz said...
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